Enrich your life with flowers.

Why do cut flowers wilt so quickly? How can I make them last longer? KEEPFLOWER was born out of Fuji Nihon Seito’s research aimed at finding answers to these questions.

Utilizing our expertise as a sugar refining company, we commercialized a form of sugar that provides nutrients to cut flowers in a form that is most readily absorbed.

Since that time, we have undertaken continuous research to improve the product, and we have made repeated refinements.
For growers, we provide total support for quality control over everything from flower collection to shipping.

For florists, we provide support to ensure that cut flowers continue to bloom beautifully from the time of purchase so that more customers will be able to enjoy them.

We also help customers enjoy flowers more easily, feel energized by the fragrances and colors of flowers, and add color to their lives with flowers of each season.


This is the general contact point for inquiries from customers to share their opinions and requests to Fuji Nihon Corporation.