Message from Company Representative
Make the world powerful with food science!
Fuji Nihon Corporation was created after the merger of Fuji Seito Corporation and Nihon Seito Corporation in 2001, but we have over 70 years of history since the company’s founding in 1949. During the food shortages following World War II, the founder established a sugar refining facility with the hopes of enriching the lifestyle of Japanese people by providing sweets in the diet.
Despite that, we now live in an era of relative affluence compared to the past, we also face a challenging socioeconomic environment due to factors such as global population growth, global warming, emerging geopolitical risks, and Japan being an aged society. Hence, the realization of a sustainable society through establishing SDGs has become a critical issue globally.
Under these circumstances, last year, we announced our purpose as “Make the world powerful with food science,” after considering our role in society. Our goal is to create added value based on sustainable biological resources and leverage our unique food science technology to empower and energize people around the world. In addition, we also formulated our long-term vision called Next Vision 2040 so that we can make a leap towards our next step as a food science company while valuing our heritage as a refined sugar manufacturer.
As a food company, we aim to achieve a sustainable society, contribute to society, and maximize our corporate value while putting safety and peace of mind as our top priorities.

Hidetoshi Soga
President and Chief Executive Officer
Corporate Philosophy
We aim to be “a strong company with a vision”, helping to create a healthy lifestyle for consumers.
Make the world powerful with food science!
We will make the world powerful by creating new value from sustainable bioresources with our food science technology.
Management Policy
- Ensuring our “Customer First” Policy.
- Forming our corporate culture encourages the growth of employees along with the company development.
- Promoting our fair and transparent corporate activities.
- Enhancing our value of corporate being appreciated by the society.
- Enriching our corporate activities, as a corporate citizen, contribute to the society.